I finally made it! The baby is now the size of a watermelon! It’s pretty fitting too, since I can’t get enough watermelon. Maybe it’s that super sweet sugary melon goodness, or maybe my body is craving the water. I ate an entire watermelon this week, by myself, within 48 hours. The downside? I have to pee ALL THE TIME. In general, I’ve been craving fruit and vegetables like crazy! My weekly grocery list always consists of watermelon, pineapple, grapes, strawberries, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes and cucumbers. I would be perfectly happy living on only fruits and vegetables if Glen wasn’t so gung-ho about having to have some kind of meat for dinner every night. Anyway, the watermelon is such a milestone because it’s the very last fruit to baby comparison that I’ll have. It’s still hard to believe that he started out smaller than a poppy seed and my first comparison photo was at 4 weeks, when he was only the size of an apple seed.
This week started with a breastfeeding class at the Hershey Medical Center. Glen was really hesitant about attending, but it’s important that he be present so that he can be knowledgeable and supportive. In all honesty, he didn’t get as much out of the class as I did, but I believe that was due to the incredibly uncomfortable chairs and the monotone-voiced instructor. We started the class with an ice-breaker where we went around the room and told the class why we were interested in breastfeeding. After that, we watched a short video on breastfeeding. After the video we got to break for about ten minutes and then got back in the game with discussing what to expect while you’re in the hospital. We ended the session reviewing breast pumps, bras and pads. It was informative, but I believe that going through the experience and working with a lactation consultant at the hospital will be more beneficial.
I feel like the baby dropped over the weekend. I can’t be positive, but the pressure and pain on my pelvis is becoming more intense. With the help of physical therapy, I was able to work through a lot of the pain and have seen great improvement. Over the weekend, however, it seems like I was back at square one. It’s becoming increasingly harder to walk, sleep and get out of bed and it’s all due to the pain on my pelvis. I’ve also been experiencing increased Braxton Hicks contractions over the weekend. I believe that I’m currently experiencing pre-labor. Pre-labor can last 2-3 weeks, so I’m not getting too excited. I’ve accepted the fact that the baby will come when he’s ready and no sooner.
The accomplishment of the week is that I started packing my bags for the hospital! I made a list of all recommended items and started getting everything ready. I also purchased a few nursing tanks for the hospital and some lounge pants. I packed my hospital FMLA and Disability paperwork and a few outfits for the baby in various sizes as well. I just have to throw in a few more items and I will be set to go! My packing may be a bit premature, but if I’m not prepared then Glen may have to pack for me and that could be quite disastrous. When I ask Glen for specific items from the grocery store, he ends up bringing home the wrong thing 9 out of 10 times. I can just imagine what he would pack! Probably a pre-pregnancy Summer outfit with heels.
This week’s doctor’s appointment was some-what disappointing. I was really hoping to have an internal exam. With an internal exam, the doctor is able to tell you how far the baby’s head is and they are able to measure dilation. The doctor didn’t want to perform an internal because my pregnancy is “perfect”. She actually used those words. She said it’s a perfect pregnancy, my weight is great, the baby is in the right position, his heartbeat and estimated weight are great, I’m not swollen, and my blood pressure is on target. The big surprise from this week is that the baby is now measuring at 37 weeks. This is quite a jump from last week when he was measuring 34 weeks. She estimated that he will be an average sized baby. Some more good news is that I’m Strep B negative, which means that I won’t need antibiotics when I deliver.
Weeks 37-Delivery (Month 9): Watermelon
Average size: 18.9-20.9 inches, 6.2-9.2 lb.
At week 37, your pregnancy is considered full term, meaning baby is likely to thrive after birth. Baby spends these last weeks in preparation for the outside world… meaning careful refinement of the blink, suck, inhale and exhale. Meconium, which you’ll probably find in the first diaper, is accumulating in the intestines. If (okay, as) you worry about giving birth, consider what it’s like for the little one. During the journey out of your womb, baby will produce more stress hormones than any other time in life.