Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Month 2

This second month as a family of three has really improved from the first month.We've gotten over some of our initial issues with feedings and fussiness. Wyatt is learning at a fast pace and w are learning something new about Wyatt everyday. We have learned Wyatt's feeding cues and are there to meet his needs whenever we notice first signs. We also know that Wyatt will suck on his fingers aggressively and give us feeding cues (but not actually be hungry), and it means hat his diaper needs to be changed. Wyatt hates to have a soiled or poopy diaper and he will let you know. Because we are cloth diapering Wyatt, he can feel more of the wetness because the diaper absorbency feels different. We also know that when Wyatt gets fussy for no reason and doesn't really cry but just fusses, it means that he's tired and is fighting sleep. A little rocking in the arms or bouncing in the bouncy chair will put Wyatt right to sleep (most times). We also realize that sometimes when he's crying lightly and obviously tired, if we let him go for 2-3 minutes he will fall asleep on his own. Although, it's really, really hard for me to not pick him up every times I hear the slightest wimper.

It's really amazing how much Wyatt has changed in both looks and personality. Around week 6 Wyatt started waking up obviously happy. In the beginning he would make little coos and kick his legs around. Then it turned into a smile after a few days. Then is turned into smiles, coos, kicks and giggling. Now he has several of these happy moments each day and his alertness is increasing more and more. He recognizes a smile and a laugh and most times when you talk to him and ask him to give you a smile, he will. It's such a wonderful reward. I posted a video of one of his first smiles that I captured on video below.

If you remember back to Wyatt's labor & delivery story, Wyatt failed his hearing test. Those words have haunted me for the past 8 weeks. This week we went back for a second hearing test and he passed with flying colors. I always felt like he responded to loud noises and was startled by large bangs (like dropping a dish or the dog barking) but it was nice to have confirmation that his hearing is fine and that failing it in the hospital after birth is actually quite common due to fluid trapped in the ears. 

I really started to take Wyatt out of the house a lot this month. We traveled to my Mom's house in Bedford, My Dad's house in Howard, to the local malls, restaurants, friend's houses, fairs and festivals. Wyatt travels really well. He doesn't mind being in his car seat and one in the car, he's usually pretty content. I feel comfortable taking him long distances (up to 2 hours) and loading him into the car and traveling when I'm alone.

In the past two weeks I started having Wyatt sleep in the pack n play rather than bed share. I actually think this transition was harder for me than Wyatt. A lot of prepping goes into our new bedtime routine. First I have to make sure Wyatt has a nice clean diaper. Then I get him into his pajamas and make sure he's swaddled tight. I turn down the lights and any sounds and turn on a fan.  I feed him in bed then offer him a pacifier. After his eyes start to get heavy I gently place him in the pack n play. I have gotten him to sleep in it up to 4 hours without waking. My goal is to continue this routine so that him and I are both comfortable with him sleeping in the pack n play. This upcoming month I'd like to add a bath time ritual as well and hopefully by 5 months of age we will have a pretty solid routine and he will sleep in larger increments of time throughout the night.

Another routine I've been adding into ever day is tummy time and toy time. I wait until Wyatt is in a good and playful mood and I take out the toy mat. I usually place him on his back and he stares at the toys and kicks his legs while making little noises. I then turn him on his tummy and get down on the floor with him and encourage him to practice lifting his head up. After about a total of 20 minutes of "playing" he's done and we pick him up. The timing of this is tricky because if he's not in the right mood or if we leave him down there too long he gets frustrated and upset. I've also been introducing toys and he went from admiring them to touching them and even picking them up. He's still not coordinated enough to really play with them, but If I hand him his dragonfly toy, he will crinkle the wings and touch/hold the dragonfly parts.

This month went much better than the last and Glen and I are really settling into parenthood. We are really proud of Wyatt and enjoy watching him grow more and more every day both mentally and physically. This journey started out very stressful and parenthood is now becoming fun. I enjoy waking up and spending my days with Wyatt and when he sleeps, I just stare at him. It's still hard to believe that he's in my life.

Month 1 Milestones
  • Coos while awake
  • Responds to talking by "talking" back
  • Good head control
  • Continued successful tummy time (2 times a day for 5 minutes each time)
  • Occasionally smiles in sleep and smiles while awake
  • Responds to Mother's scent
  • Responds to Mother's voice
  • Responds to Father's voice
  • Watches light & moving objects (such as the fan & mobile)
  • Turns head towards loud noises/gets started by large bang
  • Looks towards you when you speak to him
  • Kicks hard with legs, arms and moves entire body
  • Increased alertness during the day
  • Increased sleeping at night
  • Squeezes fingers, toys and fabric with hands

Personality Traits

  • Likes to be held/cuddled
  • Enjoys the swing occasionally
  • Loves to be in the bounce seat/likes to be bounced hard
  • Travels well in car seat in long distance (2-2 1/2 hours)
  • Does well with crowds of people/responds with looks & smiles
  • Enjoys tummy time and watches toys fans and mobiles
  • Likes to be rocked & held tightly in arms
  • Occasionally dislikes getting changed or dressed but responds well with a fresh diaper
  • Likes a pacifier
  • Likes his hands held (it will calm him)
  • Is very calm in car rides
  • Smiles at his reflection
  • Holds onto fabric and his pacifier

Favorite Moments 

  • Wyatt intentionally smiling for the first time (& getting one of his first smiles on video)
  • Watching Wyatt play with my Dad
  • Enjoying the many silly faces and noises that Wyatt makes
  • Watching Wyatt try to find his pacifier only to find his caterpillar toy head 
Here are a collection of photo favorites taken over the last month

Wyatt at Strites Orchard in an apple crate

Wyatt Playing

Wyatt's Silly Faces

Wyatt with Friends & Family
