Written by G.A.C, JR
Let me start off by saying that my wife only asked me to do this once. Not because it is a subject that I am overly excited to talk about, but because I think it is something that many men have a hard time agreeing to. I know this because I too was one of those men. The last months leading up to our sons birth were filled with discussion. Fears, hopes, dreams, name ideas, and poop. I myself thought "why the hell can't we just throw it away like normal people?" Needless to say my entire view on the subject of cloth diapering has changed. Having used disposables on family trips and emergency situations while out shopping I can honestly say I have been converted.
The most common misconception among my male friends when they heard we would be cloth diapering was that our house would suddenly smell like our son was using a litter box. The truth is, the only time I have ever been able to smell the putrid bum brownies after a diaper change has been with disposables. When using a cloth diaper most of the doo doo (said in a Bill Cosby voice for comedic effect) is either flushed down the toilet, or rinsed off with cold water. That to me is much nicer than having the disposables festering in a trash can until they are taken outside for the flies to feast upon.
The rinsing of the diapers brings me to my next cloth diapering myth I aim to dispel. "Using cloth diapers will fill your washing machine so full of crap that all of your clothes will turn brown (or green, yellow, and sometimes slightly orangish depending on the stage) and smell like rotting deer carcasses." If you are lazy and just toss them in the washing machine I am sure you would have some issues with a single cycle. The trick is proper prep prior to washing. When we first began using them our son was still on a liquid diet. Because of that the only prep needed was a quick rinse in the sink and they were ready for washing. Now that he is on a solid/semi solid diet the only added step is to dispose of any larger solid waste first, followed by a good rinse. My wife purchased a small wand sprayer that hooks directly up to the toilet to simplify the rinsing process. These can easily be made with a few water fittings and some PVC. The waste is then flushed down the toilet never to return (hopefully).
I'd also like to point out some of the obvious benefits to cloth diapering. The first one being that you never have to make midnight trips to the store for a case of diapers. Sure you may need to do a little more laundry, but the cost of water (sorry hippies) is far cheaper than that of disposable diapers. I have heard some people argue that the diapers themselves are expensive, which is not entirely false. Your wife may become addicted to collecting the fancy prints much like my own has. The plus side of this is that she has managed to break even on every diaper she has ever purchased by reselling them as our son outgrows them. Try reselling a disposable after it has been used. It doesn't work well.
Now I will admit, I am not the most green person in the world (although there is some green on me somewhere) but I do like that we are not adding to the massive amount of diapers being sent to landfills every year. This seems to be a huge selling point for most people cloth diapering, but for us it has just been a little icing on the cake.
Although I can't say for sure because we have never used disposables for more than a few hours at a time there seems to be some health benefits. Our son has never had any serious diaper rash. I contribute this to the cloth being far more absorbent than the disposable materials that tend to wick moisture away from themselves like a windbreaker in the rain. Because of the absorbency they seem to stay comfortable before being changed. It is always nice avoiding a meltdown whenever possible.
Hopefully this will help some men change their mind about the idea of cloth diapering. I know that with our next child and any thereafter we will surely continue the practice. We have had many ups and downs but overall the experience has been extremely positive. From massive blowouts being avoided to the overall comfort our sons backside, the benefits have been well worth the extra work. There are many brands out there, all with their own pros and cons. Experiment and see what fits your little tike best, you will certainly find the right fit and never go back to filling your trash can with perfume scented Sesame Street characters again.