Sunday, January 27, 2013

Seven Weeks Pregnant!

I had my first ultrasound yesterday with baby #2 and was nervous and excited at the same time. I knew that the hormones were working their magic due to the way I’ve been feeling but seeing is believing. I was ready to face reality and see what the ultrasound unveiled. As soon as the tech started the ultrasound I saw a kidney shaped sac, so I knew that I was really pregnant but then seeing the baby nestled inside with a beautiful heartbeat of 157bpm made me feel at ease. The baby looks like a little gummi bear with paddle arms and legs but there’s no doubting that strong, perfect heartbeat.

The tech asked me when my last period was but unfortunately, my cycle was so mixed up, that I really had no idea! I did tell her though that I was 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Looking confused she asked me if I already had an ultrasound and when I told her no, she asked me how I know how far along I am. After I told her, I just know, she kind of looked confused and was in disbelief. After she took a few measurements she said to me, “you are exactly 7 weeks and 4 days…how did you know that?”. I had to laugh a little and tell her that I just know, I am in tune with my body and I know when I ovulated. She just had this look on her face that I couldn’t have possibly figured it out by myself. So, just as I calculated my official due date is September 1st, 2013.

After I got dressed the doctor came in and congratulated me. However immediately after doing so the doctor asked if I had any bleeding at all. She said that they found some bleeding behind my placenta and that it’s too early to really tell where it’s coming from but that they have to make note of it and monitor it. She also told me that I ovulated from the right ovary and that there is a small cyst on my ovary but it’s probably because I ovulated on that side and it should go away on its own.

All in all it was a good appointment but I’m still a little worried with the bleeding that they uncovered. Unfortunately, the uncertainty of the pregnancy means that we won’t be announcing the pregnancy early like we had hoped and those reading this post now will have to keep in mind that I wrote it a few weeks ago. Once the pregnancy progresses and we get some more news on the bleeding, we will gladly share our secret with the World.