Sunday, January 2, 2011

Week Nine

Happy New year!
I had made plans with one of my best friends to have Chinese and exchange gifts at her house. She has a beautiful, comfy house with a nice roaring fire. We ordered our food and opened gifts. She got me my very first maternity outfit and it’s really cute! When I think of maternity clothes, I typically think of decorative tents with bows and lace. This outfit was really modern and super comfortable, something that I would wear when I wasn’t pregnant if it would fit! Maternity jeans are extremely comfortable! These have a low waist band, not one of those super long, go up to your boobs, bands that I think would be uncomfortable.
Because we had such a laid back New Years Eve, We decided to have people over for pork, sauerkraut and board games the next night. We made homemade strawberry ice cream that was out of this world and played a fantastic game of Apples to Apples.
I felt really good this night…strangely good. Actually I didn’t remember feeling sick the day before. Then, I started to panic. Where did my symptoms go? Where is my constant vomiting? On Thursday of last week, I remember feeling sharp pain in my lower abdomen, almost like I had to go number 2 but with no success. I was so uncomfortable, that I left work early and laid in bed most of the day. I called a nurse and she thought that it may be constipation. So, now, I feel great, I’m not even tired, and I had this pain on Thursday-oh no. What if something is wrong with the baby. I finished out week 8 in a little bit of a panic but knew that I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it if it was bad news. This isn’t the best way to start out a new year.
Sure enough, two days later, just days into week nine, I felt the nausea come back and with a vengeance. I haven’t been this sick for quite some time. Although happy to feel at ease with the pregnancy, I’m feeling pretty rough and I know that I can’t look good. I’m just trying to drink fluids and stay optimistic. This will be over soon!

Week 9: Green Olive

Your little embryo has now officially graduated to fetus-hood. Adding to the excitement, a Doppler ultrasound device might be able to pick up the beating heart. With basic physical structures in place and increasingly distinct facial features, baby is kind of starting to look like... well... a baby!

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