Friday, February 11, 2011

Week Fifteen

Happy Valentine’s Day!
Glen and I are celebrating Valentine’s day together at an exquisite seafood restaurant in Hershey called Devon. I made reservations in the late afternoon with the intention of making a dessert at home in the evening and watching a movie. I’m hoping that Netflix sends us Despicable Me. Rarely do Glen and I splurge on anything, so we decided to treat ourselves this weekend. I’m incredibly excited to be spending Saturday evening alone with my one and only Valentine, Glen.
Something very magical happened this week, I felt the baby move! It was to my complete surprise that I felt the baby move this early on, and definitely not what I expected. After going through a year and a half of analyzing my body and really getting to know it, I feel very sensitive to foreign happenings. I woke up early on Wednesday from a deep sleep, laying on my back. I typically don’t sleep on my back, but I must have rolled over while I was sleeping. I remember waking up and not being able to open my eyes because I was so tired and they were somewhat fused shut. So, I just stayed in that position very still and feeling completely relaxed with my eyes closed. All of a sudden I felt something strange and beautiful. For me, it felt like bubbles popping every 2 seconds or so in my lower abdomen. I guess you could compare it to gas bubbles you get in your abdomen, but softer and with more pattern. I just stayed completely still, with my hands on my stomach and enjoyed the bubbles until I fell back to sleep. I feel like maybe this was the baby’s way of saying “Hi Mom! I’m doing great in here but I can’t wait to see you in a few months”.
Our NT testing results came in this week. All of the tests came back normal. So that eliminates the probability of Down’s Syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities.
Glen and I went window shopping this weekend at the Hershey Outlets. On our journey, we noticed that baby clothes are incredibly overpriced. Sleepers are $10-$25 each, and socks are $7-$10 each. Even baby essentials are incredibly expensive. Looking at these steep prices makes me feel grateful for all of the people in our lives who had children in the past year that are willing to give us some hand-me-downs. We also just had someone offer us their swing that was barely used for free. We just hope that we can continue to pass the gently used items that we receive on to our friends who will have children in the future.
During week 6, I remember thinking how far away the baby was from being an orange. I was particularly looking forward to this week’s fruit because I love oranges. For the record, I’m equally excited for next week, the avocado, since I love avocados! I do hope that everyone enjoys my wacky weekly baby comparison photos, I enjoy eating the fruit of the week after the photo is taken. I suppose that’s a little odd to “eat my baby” every week. 

Week 15: Naval Orange

Average size: 4 inches, 2.5 oz.
Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now outmeasure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements.

Fifteen Week Bump photo


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