Nesting continues as we get closer and closer to meeting our son! This past weekend we tore the carpet up in the basement in preparation for our basement remodel. We picked out our carpet and we’re looking to have it installed within the next month. We definitely experienced a little sticker shock! We decided on a beige multi-colored Stainmaster carpet.
As each week goes by, the baby’s room continues to have progress. This week we got our beautiful mobile in the mail. Because our crib is so wide, we couldn’t do a traditional mobile that hangs on the side of the crib, so we opted for one that hangs from the ceiling. We were really happy with this purchase and it’s something that can be used as decoration for the next few years (or until our son decides he’s not into sailboats).
I scheduled an additional dentist appointment per our dental insurance company’s recommendation. They offer a free additional cleaning during pregnancy. The appointment was dreadful. My mouth was bleeding so bad from the extra fluids running through my body. She had to get the suction out aka “My Thirsty” several times to help clean up the copious amounts of blood that my mouth was producing. I felt great after words (other than the tender gum line), but it wasn’t an enjoyable appointment for me.
Saturday was really exciting for us. We got to go to a 3D ultra sound at Womb with a View in Lancaster. We got to see our baby’s face for just a minute before he decided to hid his face in the placenta. He wasn’t very cooperative, but from what we saw, we were very pleased. We think he resembles Glen. He made a few faces and at one time actually looked extremely pissed off. It was really cute! Baby sleeps with his hands above his head, just like me! Baby also has a full head of hair. It was really neat hearing that. Because the baby was so uncooperative, we get to do a follow-up appointment over Labor Day weekend.
Weeks 29-32 (Month 7): Squash
Average size: 15.2-16.7 inches, 2.5-3.8 lb.
Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.
You look so angry in this picture! What's the stinkeye all about?? Your little shirt is too cute to look so cranky in.