Thereafter I experienced very little pregnancy symptoms which I associated with losing the baby. I wasn’t really hungry like I was with Wyatt and didn’t feel like I had a heightened sense of smell like I did with Wyatt. I felt pretty normal and definitely not pregnant. A few days later we celebrated Christmas with my Mom’s side and while I was there I experienced my very first symptom, I was bloated beyond belief. I felt huge and my normally flat stomach was puffed out so far that it looked like I was four months pregnant. My pants were extremely tight and my entire belly was blown up like a balloon. It was really odd because I never experienced it with Wyatt but it was extremely noticeable and it made me feel uncomfortable. A few days after that, nothing again.
I went in for a blood test on Monday around noon (5 Weeks, 1 day) and waited rather impatiently for the results to come in. I didn’t hear back until Wednesday afternoon. My HCG came back 11,192. I knew that was better than my last draw with the miscarriage (which was only a 24) but I didn’t know exactly what that meant. When I asked the nurse if that seems normal for five weeks she said “yes, it’s perfectly normal and actually quite high-more in the 5 week range”. I was so happy to hear this! As far as I can tell, my numbers are looking great and finally after the news, I started feeling “real” symptoms. The morning sickness came the next day. I found nausea throughout the day but mostly in the morning and right before lunch. After eating a big meal (and I mean BIG) I seem to feel great. Friday was worse. I woke up and felt great, walked to the bathroom and immediately threw up. I felt so sick and hungry. I made a waffle and stuffed it in my pie hole while warming the water for my morning shower. On my way to work I had another wave of nausea and decided to grab some hot cakes from McDonalds to chew on throughout the morning. It seemed to help! Morning sickness seemed to kick in a week early with this baby. I didn’t start feeling the really bad sickness with Wyatt until about seven weeks but this little bean wanted to put me through misery a little earlier.
Today I’m six weeks along (according to my calculations). I’ve made it past my previous miscarriage and am feeling a bit more confident that we will get to meet this baby in September. I’m craving lots of vegetables, salads and fluids although I’ve eaten my fair share of candy as well. With Wyatt I was very hungry for meat, eggs and pickles. My first appointment is on January 21st (8 weeks) although it’s just with the OB nurse so it’s not too exciting. I won’t get to actually see my baby until the end of the month. I really think that seeing the baby, watching its little heart beat and knowing exactly how far along I am will help me overcome fears and help me relax.
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