Thursday, March 24, 2011

Week Twenty-One

In general, this week was pretty uneventful. Glen and I spent hours picking out the perfect blue for our son’s room and Glen painted pieces of the room over the weekend. We also got a new closet door for the baby’s room. This coming weekend, we’re looking to finish all of the painting. We’re getting closer and closer to finishing the nursery and I I’m confident that it will look great when it’s finished. 
 Glen got to feel the baby move for the first time on Saturday morning. He was so excited when it happened. I just finished drinking a smoothie, so the baby was hyper from the sugar in the fruit and was bouncing all over the place. It was really neat to finally share what I feel every day with my husband.
On Sunday, Dawn and I went shopping at the Outlets in Hershey. She was trying to find a 50’s style dress for our upcoming 50’s themed work event and I was trying to find a dress for a wedding in April. Neither of us were successful, but it was still a lot of fun.
I had a pretty bad experience at the Motherhood Maternity Store and vowed to never go back to that store. What happened is that I tried on a sundress without a price tag and a broken spaghetti strap. Dawn had the sales lady scan the barcode to get a price. The sales lady told me that it was $30.00. For $30.00, I was willing to sew the broken strap and get the dress. When I tried to check out another lady was working at the register. She told me that the dress was $90.00. She scanned the price tag, and it came up $30.00, but she kept on insisting that the dress was $90.00 because a nine and a zero were randomly written on the tag. I argued with her about the dress and told her that it was broken and she kept insisting that there was nothing she could do. She really upset me to the point that I left the store in a complete rage. I immediately went home and wrote a nasty complaint and sent it into the corporate office. I don’t know if my hormones are just really out of whack or what, but this pissed me of. I guess anyone can just go into the Motherhood store and write whatever they want on the price tag in red ink and Motherhood will sell it to you for that price. Note to self: bring red pen with me in the future.
On the happy side, when Dawn was trying on dresses, a little three to four year old boy told her that “she was so beautiful”, then he looked down at her white knee socks and said “well, except for those socks”. It was really cute and funny! Dawn and I both left the outlets with an awesome and super inexpensive pair of shoes.
I ended up returning my hot pink dress from Ann Taylor Loft and purchased a simple black wrap dress from Nordstrom for the wedding I’m attending in April. Online shopping is definitely less stressful!

 Week 21: Banana

Average size: 10.5 inches ***, 12.7 oz.
Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.

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