This week really flew by and it’s hard to believe that I’m 22 weeks along. For the first time since very early on, I’ve been feeling less and less pregnant. I don’t feel like my belly is getting bigger, actually, I feel like it’s getting smaller. Last week my belly button was nearly gone (all stretched out) and this week I feel like it’s back again. I haven’t really felt any pregnancy symptoms at all, no crying, no big cravings, etc. I also feel like the movement isn’t as intense as it was just a week ago. I do feel pretty good movement at least twice a day, so I’m not worried, but I’m feeling so “ordinary” lately.
This past weekend, I photographed a wedding in New Cumberland, PA. I was working from 11:00am to about 8:30pm. It was a very long and hard day. I was so tired by the end of it. One “pregnant moment” I had was when they were testing the music. They picked “Question” by the Old 97’s to walk down the aisle to. If anyone remembers, that was what I walked down the aisle to (a live acoustic version) and what Glen and I danced to at our reception. When I heard it, I uncontrollably started to bawl and had to run back to the presidential room to “clean myself up”. The bride was waiting there and saw me run by, took one look at my tears and started crying! It was a very emotional moment and the first time I really cried during my pregnancy. I was just really taken off guard because this isn’t a “typical” wedding song and I would never expect this to happen. By the end of the night I was completely exhausted and I went straight to bed. I then woke up the next morning feeling like I had the worst kind of hangover. I guess that my pregnant body can’t handle this kind of long work day.
We’ve been playing a fun little game on our wedding board called “A Day in the life”. It’s where you post photos on a specific topic (Physical features, home life, relationships, etc), then later that evening we “vote” on who’s life we would like to live for a day. On “Pet” day, Anakin got a lot of votes; who could resist that cuteness! Surprisingly, on “wedding dress” day, my wedding dress also got a lot of votes. I guess I was a little surprised because it’s just such a different kind of dress that I figured people would love it or hate it. I really love learning about all of the other girls and sharing photographs with the board and it does give you a little confidence boost! Today’s topic is “husbands” and I’m not sure how Glen will rate, but he is number one to me!
My dreams have always been very detailed and specific, but now I’m starting to incorporate myself being pregnant/giving birth in them. I had a dream the other night that I shared a room with another Mom-to-be and she was screaming for her life, then I remember giving birth and it was super easy, I just practically “pooped” him out. HAHA. I’ve always dreamed of my little man having lighter hair and darker brown or green eyes, but this week he had darker hair and blue eyes. I’m very anxious to see him in person but I know he will be perfect no matter what features he inherits.
Ok, so, I’ve finally gotten to the part in my pregnancy where strangers are asking me when I’m due, various people are touching my belly, and I often get questions such as “do you know what you’re having” and “Do you have any names picked out”. For the record, Glen and I have not yet decided on a name. We actually don’t talk about it too much. Honestly, I really wish we did know his name. I would love to be able to call him by his name, but it’s just not happening and I don’t want to force myself to make a decision. We may just have to wait until he’s born to solve this mystery. Anyway, part of me is excited that people are noticing me, I do think you get spoiled in a sense when you’re pregnant and you feel like you are very special, but I’m also very uncomfortable when strangers or acquaintances pet my belly and ask me direct questions.
From here on out, my “fruit of the week” photos will be limited because I stay the same fruit for a longer duration. So, don’t be alarmed if you don’t see a weekly fruit comparison. I’ll always try to include belly photos in all of my posts.
Weeks 22-24 (Month 5): Papaya
Average size: 10.5-11.8 inches, 12.7-20.8 oz.
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